Friday, January 12, 2024

How to change your life in 2024!!


How do you change your life at any given time? How do you take the reins of your life and start anew? How do you break the past barriers and become the person you've always wanted to be? It all starts with Choice, and you're making one right now..
Keep reading, I promise you'll be glad you did....

I'm lost!!  -Where do I start??? 

You will have to start with an evaluation. You cannot move forward until you know where you are headed.  Lets's start with a List.  Write down 6 things you desperately want to change this year. If you work hard, you should be able to concur at least 5 of the 6, even if they are quite difficult. If some are easier, then all 6 should be no problem...

Easy Lists, Easy life changes...

Don't make it too complicated. We all know that when things are too complicated, we back out and make excuses. That's why I'm giving this to you in easy peasy bite sized nuggets so it's easy to digest and get to it! I want you all to have the most funnest/happiest year you've had in ages!!

So get a cheap notebook (or nice one-it's up to you) and date it.  Now on the 1st page write down the YOU you want to be. What is she like? Is she more outgoing? slimmer? richer? etc.  Just write about her like you have great admiration for her. What is she doing that makes you admire and look up to her?  Does she have super hot man who adores her? 
(And Men, Sorry, not trying to exclude you) Just reverse it .... Back to what we were saying. What is that person doing to gain your respect and admiration. (Usually, it's something you have always wanted to do but were afraid...

Let me clue you in about life. ALL THE BEST MOMENTS IN LIFE USUALLY COME AFTER THE FEAR!!! Just RENAME it! Bruce Springsteen calls his fear, Stage Ready! He said when his heart pumps and he feels the strong Adrenalin, he knows he's Stage Ready!  But you can call it excitement, leveling up, bling etc. whatever YOU want. Lets move on...

So after you have a description of your ideal person and the life she/he lives. then I want you to use the next 2 pages and put 3 strong change desires on each one. So 3 on one page, 3 on the next. Explain why you want these changes and what they will mean in your life. DO NOT CALL THEM GOALS.
Too many of us think of goals as long term dreams. not day to day plans and accomplishments...

3  Major Secrets to bring your dreams to life!!

    1. The first secret is that your subconscious mind cannot tell a REAL experience from a strongly imagined one!! This is why when you are frightened, you heart beat goes crazy and breathing gets short and your body acts as if it's under attack. Even when you are perfectly safe. Because your Subconscious did not know that. This is great because it is a strong KEY to changing our lives. 

I want you to put on meditation music everyday for 20 minutes (You can just grab some off YT)  lie down and really visualize the life YOU WANT.  Now people ALL change takes some work. So if you were hoping I could teach you to have a great life without doing anything. Sorry....  But think of it like this' 
So lets move on... 

Now when you visualize, really deeply feel it' feel the emotions of having what you want. Feel the Freedom of having your own business or a great new partner in your life. Really feel it'.  Don't worry about HOW it will happen. Leave that to the Universe. Just feel it...(everyday for at least 20 minutes. 30 is even better...

 Secret # 2

Pretend you are a actor/actress. You are preparting for a role and you must get into character. Remember the person you wanted to be that you wrote out in your notebook? That is your character. Name her/Him and then step into their LIFE.  I'm serious. walk like they would walk. Talk as they would talk. Be the person 24/7 and watch and see if you don't BECOME THAT PERSON. Now if they are rich and you are poor. No problem. Simply imagine that you are doing a yearlong experience in which you have given up your money to see how the other half lives. But inside you are still rich because you are THAT PERSON. 

Remember that your subconscious CANNOT TELL THE DIFFERENCE!! and therein lies the secret to it all. After you keep acting and thinking like that person, long enough -You WILL for all intents and purposes be like them.  Watch and see....This is a monumental secret the wealthy have used for Years!

Last Secret:  

Is to take an amount of money you want to earn per month or year. Now as you act as your person, remind yourself they already make MORE than this, so this amount (whatever it is) is Nothing for them and because you are stepping into their life, it is now nothing for YOU! Imagine that the amt you want so badly is Passe for them/you now. It's NO BIG DEAL at all.. 

These may seem like silly day dreams but these mind tricks are LIFE ALTERING if you use them! No one can do it for you. ONLY YOU and change YOU. So the question really is, Are you worth the time and energy to become the you, you have always wanted to be??

Extra tips to change our lives...

Clear your body of all that junk so you can think straight.  A good detox can make all the difference 

(If you are on a budget ACV and Lemon work great...

Drink plenty of water, and excercize at least 3x per week.

Every morning name 5 things you are grateful for and thank whatever deity you serve for them.

Do something you are scared to do every week. The difference it will make in your life -will be incredible! We don't grow unless we step out into the Sunshine and let our spirits soar....

Read a book at least 2x per month. The vicarious experiences will help you grow and become more...


In order for life to change, you must change.  

You are the ONLY ONE who can change YOU.

Remember what your mind is capable of, feats so fantastic, the greatest computers could not replicate it.  But it won't work, unless you use it. 

Remember the great secrets and how they can hekp you change your life. In fact, if you do them consistently, it's almost impossible for big changes NOT to occur!

Also remember that whatever you are moving toward, -is moving toward YOU! That's the way life works.  So I really hope you all take this advice and I am looking forward to hearing all about those great changes....

PS. You can watch this happen in my life as proof. right now this blog is a dust bowl right. But I'm visualizing and working everyday. How much do you want to bet in 6 months, this blog will be very improved, and very popular and I will be earning a few thou a month from it? You see I'm putting it out there -Because I believe!! Please believe in yourselves too. You are made of the right stuff and I KNOW you can do it'!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

"10 Real Ways to Earn an Extra $1,000 Per Month"

In today’s world, where expenses are on the rise, earning an extra $1,000 per month can be a game-changer. Whether it's to bolster your savings, pay off debt, or simply have more financial flexibility, there are numerous creative and feasible ways to achieve this goal. Here are ten strategies that can help you earn that extra income:

Freelancing: Leverage your skills in writing, graphic design, programming, or marketing on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. Many businesses are seeking freelancers for various tasks, making it an excellent avenue to earn money in your spare time.

Online Tutoring or Teaching: If you excel in a particular subject, consider tutoring students online. Websites like VIP Kid, Tutors, or even creating courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable can generate a steady stream of income.

Renting Out Assets: Do you have an extra room, parking space, or a vehicle you don’t use frequently? Consider renting it out on platforms like Airbnb (for a room), Just Park (for parking), or Turo (for a car). It’s a straightforward way to generate consistent income.

Starting a Side Business: Whether it’s baking, crafting, photography, or any other skill you possess, turning it into a side business can be lucrative. Platforms like Etsy, Shopify, or even social media can serve as your storefront.

Pet Sitting or Dog Walking: Many people need someone to take care of their pets while they're away. Websites like Rover or Wag! connect pet owners with reliable sitters and dog walkers.

Delivery Gigs: With the rise of delivery services, signing up as a driver for Uber Eats, Door Dash, or Instacart can help you earn money by delivering food or groceries in your spare time.

Part-Time Remote Jobs: Look for part-time remote positions in your field. Websites like, Flex Jobs, or We Work Remotely offer various remote job opportunities that can supplement your income.

Monetizing Hobbies: Do you love photography, writing, or creating art? You can sell your photos on stock photo websites, start a blog or YouTube channel, or sell your artwork online.

Taking Online Surveys or Participating in Market Research: While this won’t make you rich overnight, participating in online surveys through platforms like Swag bucks, Survey Junkie, or Pinecone Research can add a few hundred dollars to your monthly income.

Investing in Dividend-Paying Stocks or Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): While this method involves more initial capital and risk, investing in dividend-paying stocks or REITs can generate passive income over time, potentially earning you an extra $1,000 monthly.

Remember, combining a few of these strategies can often yield better results. It's crucial to find what works best for your skills, schedule, and financial goals. Additionally, staying consistent and dedicated to your chosen method is key to achieving that extra income. With determination and effort, earning an additional $1,000 per month is within reach.

Monday, December 18, 2023

 A few ways to make extra money on the side...

There are various ways to make money quickly, though some may require specific skills, effort, or resources. Here are eight methods:

Freelancing or Gig Work: Offer your skills on freelancing platforms for writing, graphic design, programming, or other services. Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, or TaskRabbit can connect you with potential clients.

Sell Unused Items: Declutter your space and sell items you no longer need on platforms like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. You'd be surprised at what people are willing to buy.

Ridesharing or Delivery Services: If you have a car, consider working for services like Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, or Uber Eats to earn money by providing rides or delivering food.

Online Surveys or Market Research: Participate in online surveys or market research studies through platforms like Survey Junkie, Swagbucks, or Amazon Mechanical Turk to earn cash or gift cards.

Tutoring or Teaching: If you're skilled in a particular subject, offer tutoring services locally or online through websites like Chegg Tutors or

Pet Sitting or Dog Walking: Sign up on platforms such as Rover or Wag to offer pet sitting or dog walking services in your area.

Rent Out Assets: If you have a spare room, consider renting it out on Airbnb. Alternatively, rent out your car through services like Turo when you're not using it.

Task-Based Apps: Use apps like TaskRabbit or Gigwalk, which offer various tasks you can complete for quick cash, such as assembling furniture, running errands, or doing small jobs.

Remember, while these methods can provide quick money, they may not always offer consistent income. It's essential to consider the time, effort, and potential risks involved in each method before diving in.

Sunday, December 17, 2023


         Moving On From Your Old Job;

Leaving a job behind can be a monumental step in your career journey. Whether it's for personal growth, pursuing new opportunities, or seeking a better fit, departing from a familiar professional environment can evoke a whirlwind of emotions. Transitioning from an old job involves more than just updating your resume and bidding farewell—it's a pivotal moment that requires reflection, courage, and a strategic approach to embrace the change.

Reflect on the Journey:

Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the experiences, lessons, and relationships cultivated during your time at the old job. Reflect on the skills you've gained, challenges you've overcome, and the growth you've achieved. This reflection can provide clarity about what you seek in your next role and help you appreciate the value of your previous job.

Closure and Gratitude:

Saying goodbye is never easy, but it's essential for closure. Express gratitude to your colleagu;es, managers, and mentors. A simple thank-you note or an in-person conversation can leave a lasting positive impression and maintain valuable connections for the future.

Learn from the Past:

Identify what worked well in your previous job and what didn’t. Assess the reasons for your departure and the aspects you hope to avoid or seek in your new role. Use this insight to refine your job search criteria and make informed decisions for your career path.

Set Clear Intentions:

Define your goals and aspirations for the next phase of your career. What kind of work environment, responsibilities, and culture are you seeking? Clarify your objectives to align them with potential job opportunities.

Embrace the Unknown:

Moving on means stepping into the unknown. Embrace the uncertainty with an open mind. Embracing change opens doors to new possibilities, challenges, and growth opportunities. Remember, every ending is a new beginning.

Networking and Building Bridges:

Leverage your professional network. Inform them about your transition and seek advice or opportunities. Networking can open doors to unforeseen possibilities and connect you with opportunities that might not be advertised.

Prepare for the Transition:

Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the transition. Understand that adjusting to a new job might take time, and it’s okay to feel uncertain initially. Stay resilient and be patient with yourself as you adapt to the new environment.

Seize the New Opportunity:

Once you’ve secured a new job, embrace it wholeheartedly. Dive into your responsibilities, connect with new colleagues, and be open to learning. Each new job brings fresh chances to grow and evolve both professionally and personally.

Self-Care During Transition:

Transition periods can be stressful. Prioritize self-care—maintain a healthy work-life balance, engage in activities you enjoy, and seek support from friends, family, or mentors.

Celebrate Your Journey:

Acknowledge your achievements and growth. Celebrate this new chapter in your career journey. Recognize that moving on from your old job signifies progress and the courage to embrace change.

Moving on from an old job is a significant milestone, marking the beginning of a new chapter in your professional life. Embrace this transition with optimism, resilience, and a readiness to seize new opportunities. Remember, every step forward contributes to your growth and evolution in the professional world.

Saturday, December 16, 2023


(Young boy after losing his job as house helper. He later started his own business ...)

How to get over losing your job....

Losing a job can be really difficult. It affect all aspects of our lives, including our mental health. The sense of loss, uncertainty about the future, financial concerns, and a blow to self-esteem can trigger feelings of depression and anxiety. This is why it's crucial to acknowledge this difficult period, and seek help to navigate through this phase and emerge stronger.

Acknowledge the pain:

Allow yourself to feel the pain and embarrassment that come with job loss. It's normal to experience sadness, anger, frustration, and even fear. Denying or suppressing these emotions can prolong the healing process. Acknowledging your feelings is the first step towards healing.

Seek Support

Don't face this difficulty alone. Reach out to friends, family, or a support group. Talking about your emotions can help alleviate the burden and provide perspectives you might not have considered. Additionally, consider seeking professional help if you find it difficult to cope on your own. Therapists or counselors can provide valuable guidance and tools to manage depression and anxiety.

Establish a Routine

Maintaining a daily routine can provide structure and stability during this uncertain time. Set a schedule for job searching, self-care, exercise, and other activities that bring you joy. Having a routine can give you a sense of purpose and control.

Take Care of Yourself

Self-care is crucial. Focus on activities that nourish your mind and body, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, or spending time in nature. Eating a balanced diet and ensuring you get enough sleep can significantly impact your mood and overall well-being.

Reflect and Reassess

Use this period as an opportunity for self-reflection. Assess your skills, strengths, and interests. Consider whether your previous job aligned with your passions and values. This could be a chance to explore new career paths or even pursue further education or training in a field that genuinely inspires you.

Set Realistic Goals

While job hunting, set achievable short-term goals. Break down the job search process into manageable steps, such as updating your resume, networking, applying for a certain number of jobs per week, or acquiring new skills. Celebrate small victories along the way to stay motivated.

Stay Positive and Practice Gratitude

Maintaining a positive mindset can be challenging, but practicing gratitude can help shift your perspective. Focus on things you're grateful for, whether it's supportive relationships, personal strengths, or even small daily joys. This can uplift your mood and help counter negative thoughts.

Explore Opportunities for Growth

Consider volunteering, freelancing, or taking temporary work to stay engaged and expand your network. These opportunities not only keep you active but also potentially lead to new connections or avenues for full-time employment.

Financial Planning

Address financial concerns by creating a budget and exploring options for temporary financial assistance if needed. Understanding your financial situation can alleviate some stress and help you plan for the future.

Stay Persistent and Patient

Job searching can be a time-consuming process, and rejection is a part of it. Stay persistent, stay patient, and remember that setbacks are a natural part of the journey. Each rejection is a step closer to finding the right opportunity.

Remember, recovering from job loss takes time, and everyone's journey is different. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself the space to heal. Embracing this period as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery can lead to new beginnings and brighter prospects ahead.

Friday, December 15, 2023

 I'm sure I'm not the only one so fed up with horrible bosses. This is a safe space for everyone to just rant and get it out of their system!! I KNOW I'm not the only one who needs to do this.

NJ, unfortunately is a at will state. In case you have no idea what that means, It means they can fire you for anything!! And they do!! My cousin was fired for glancing at someone who claimed he stared at her butt. And an old family friend was fired because he was old and sick and they did not want to pay his retirement! Sadly, the stress killed him and he never got to take them to court. It's really bad what they can get away with, but anyway. I didn't come just to whine. I actually am starting this blog for everyone looking for a better alternative. Looking for help finding better sources of Legit income and a shoulder to cry on for those recently beaten down in the rat race...

And it's certainly not just bosses, my last job the women were so mean, I couldn't hang on another month! They were catty and cliqish  I probably spelled that wrong but forgive me, That word has always eluded me... Anyways like I was saying, they spent all their time talking about people and dragging them on their phones. They barely worked and put most of the work on me since I was the new person. That didn't hurt nearly as bad as One girl having a B day party and inviting everyone But Me and another girl. That hurt. but I didn't let them know. They had been at the hospital for yrs and I was new, I tried to be friends with them, but they were so catty and nasty, I realized it wasn't a good idea. 

Being there was hell for several months. The main girl (who seemed to be their leader)  was in a relationship with my cousin. Well he dumped her, and all hell broke loose against ME! He would not have anything to do with her. He had a new girl he obviously liked a whole lot more, and she seemed to think I caused it. She made life a living hell everyday. Then she turned the main boss against me. (I found out she got 4 other women fired like this ) But I cant' even talk about what the asshole boss said to me yet. It's too new and too raw. I will tell it at a later day...

I just needed to get it off my chest so I can move on... But I want people to know if you have been through it in the work place, this is a safe space to talk about it. We are also going to learn all kinds of ways to make money WITHOUT going back into the rat race! I know alot  of us are looking for that...

Anyway, this is Sara signing off and telling you all to keep your head up, It's gonna be alright. In fact, it's gonna be great....😢😢😢

How to change your life in 2024!! Introduction: How do you change your life at any given time? How do you take the reins of your life and st...